Home Instruction

Home Instruction

As outlined in NJAC 6A:16-10.1-2, home instruction is provided to a student, whether a general education student in kindergarten through grade 12 or a special education student age 3-12, when the student is confined to the home or another out of school setting due to a temporary or chronic health condition or a need for treatment that precludes participation in their usual educational setting, may receive home instruction. Moreover, home instruction is also provided to students who will be absent from school for more than 5 school days due to an administrative, severe disciplinary, or related reason. Please Note: Instruction may be provided for up to 60 calendar days within a school year. This period may be extended via referral according to NJAC 6A:14 for determination by the child study team of eligibility for special education and related services.


Home instruction teachers ensure a continuum of learning for our district’s students who are unable to regularly connect with their school day teacher/peers. During the pandemic, each home instruction teacher designs a remote learning platform, via Schoology or Google, to deliver academic instruction in all scheduled classes. The home instruction teachers plan their remotely delivered lessons based on outreach with the students'’ school day teachers. Similar to the after school programs, home instruction teachers work with their students for 1-2 hours each day, Monday through Friday. Most cases utilize a virtual platform for student contact time but there are cases where home instruction takes place in a brick and mortar location.

Click here for the English version of the Home Instruction application
Click here for the Spanish version of the Home Instruction application

The Office of Home Instruction Includes the following District Staff:

Home Instruction Secretary:

Chantal Joseph

908-731-4382 (Phone)

          [email protected] (Email)

Home Instruction Supervisor:

Denise Shipman

908-731-4200 Ext. 5381 (Phone)

   [email protected] (Email)

Visit Us at:

Plainfield Board of Education Offices

1200 Myrtle Avenue Room 209

Plainfield, NJ 07063



“Success is not final. Failue is not fatal. It is the courage to continue that counts.” -Winston Churchill, Statesman